Biological image processing is based on color negative film emulsion, which is buried into
earth, in a controlled laboratory environment, using masking, timing, temperature and humidity
adjustment to control the process. During this ever changing flow of creation and
destruction, color negative film becomes biologically active and alive. Microbes inside
the earth, in direct contact with the layers of the film emulsion, catalyze the biochemical
process that creates several generations of new image content through transformation.
Instances from this flow of metamorphosis are scanned in high resolution. As the process
unfolds, the self organizing/replicating nature of biology and chemistry creates suggestions
for new forms of possible living systems.
Time is running out for human civilization to reformulate the peculiar self-styled
exceptionalism—from the animal kingdom, from nature, from the systems that govern it
and to conserve what we can of the remaining diversity of life, as our cultural heritage.
At this new proposed era, Anthropocene, as humans are overseeing the sixth mass
extinction on earth and becoming the dominant influence on climate and the
environment; how can we relate to other animals and the nature living inside our bodies
as we are living in technosphere, embedded on top of the biosphere as a global,
energy consuming techno-social system that is comprised of humans, technological
artifacts, and information systems interlinked together, but mentally and culturally
removed from nature.
Biological image processing is about the human condition and civilization in the age of
pending transhumanism. Humans are becoming cyborgs, organic-mechanical structures
in increasingly artificial environments and losing the original connection to earth with all
of its mystery and wonder.
Year2014-2023MediumArchival Pigment Prints